Monday, June 21, 2010

"Night Pleasures: A Dark Hunter novel" by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Book Description:
Dear Reader,

Have you ever wanted to know what it's like to be immortal? To journey through the night stalking vampires that prey on humans? To have unlimited wealth, unlimited power? That is my existence, and it's dark and dangerous. I play hero to thousands, but am known to none. And I love every minute of it.
Or so I thought until one night when I woke up handcuffed to my worst nightmare: a conservative woman in a button-down shirt. Or in Amanda's case, one buttoned all the way up to her chin. She's smart, sexy, witty, and wants nothing to do with the paranormal -- in other words, me.
My attraction to Amanda Devereaux goes against everything I stand for. Not to mention the last time I fell in love it cost me not only my human life, but also my very soul. Yet every time I look at her, I find myself wanting to try again. Wanting to believe that love and loyalty do exist.
Even more disturbing, I find myself wondering is there's any way a woman like Amanda can love a man whose battle scars run deep, and whose heart was damaged by a betrayal so savage that he's not sure it will ever beat again.

- Kyrian of Thrace
"Night Pleasures" is the second novel in Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series. And if you remember correctly, I was not a fan of the first installment, "Fantasy Lover". While "Night Pleasures" did seem to have a better character development (I did like Kyrian's character A LOT more than Julian), the story was still plagued by all the disappointments of the first novel.
While reading this novel, I didn't feel a strong attachment to the story. Most of it seemed forced; there wasn't the right flow to keep my enthralled. Plus, I'm not a fan of how something terrible has to happen before the characters can live happily ever after....I'm also not a fan of how sex seems to always be the answer to ending whatever terrible thing is happening. I've read many Paranormal Romance novels, and it's rare that I find one that seems to think that sex is the answer.
Now, like I did say earlier, I really did like Kyrian's character. He's a tortured, conflicted soul (pardon the pun) who is only trying to do right by the world. Essentially, he's a good vampire who hunts down the bad vampires that prey on humans. I won't go into the finer points of what he actually is, I'll just stick with saying he's a vampire, it's just easier. Of course, if you want to understand what Kyrian is, I would actually recommend reading the book. The story of how dark hunters came into existence is actually quite interesting and I commend Sherrilyn Kenyon for creating a series around that idea.
While I did enjoy "Night Pleasures" more than "Fantasy Lover", I don't think I'll be reading anymore from the Dark Hunter series. Unless I need a form of escapism one day. Substance wise, it's definitely not the best series I've ever read, but if you're just sitting around one day and need something to read that you don't really feel the need to commit to, I'd recommend this book.
So in short, "Night Pleasures" is better than the first in the series, but it's not good enough to make me want to read the rest of the series.

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