Sunday, April 18, 2010

"You Slay Me: An Aisling Grey, Guardian novel" by Katie MacAlister

Book Description:

I'm Aisling Grey, and I have the job from Hell....literally. My prior career as a courier began and ended when I traveled to Paris to deliver a six-hundred-year-old golden dragon statue and learned I was a Guardian. That's a Keeper of the Gates to Hell to you mere mortals. This I found out from Drake Vireo, a scrumptiously sexy (in human form at least) real-life dragon. Then he stole my artifact out from under my nose -- and from under the dead body of the person I was supposed to deliver it to.
After tracking Drake down to a local bar, I discovered I'm also a wyvern's mate. And wouldn't you know Drake is a wyvern? He couldn't just be some underling -- he had to be head dragon. But the fact that he's the prime suspect behind the murders in Paris's immortal underworld --murders I must solve in order to clear my suddenly soiled name -- means it will take some convincing to get me to partake of the sensual pleasures he offers. Just because I'm naive, doesn't mean I'm easy.
Other than being a murder suspect, conjuring up a demon in the form of a shaggy Newfoundland, and fending off the advances of a horny dragon, I'm having a wonderful time in Paris.
Wish you were here....

Well, what to say about "You Slay Me"? First, I must point out that I read this on a recommendation of a friend. While I have no issues with the Paranormal Romance genre, I actually read that type if stuff quite frequently, I have to say that a novel about DRAGONS is not something I would normally pick up off the shelf. That being said, I LOVED IT!
"You Slay Me" tells the story about your average girl, who just got a job for her uncle with his courier business. Her first assignment is delivering a dragon statue to a woman in Paris. Aisling Grey, our heroine, does not speak a word of French and upon arriving at the house of Mme. Deauxville, finds her dead body suspended from the ceiling in a representation of one of the Three Demon Deaths. Oh yes, Aisling is also quite versed in demon lore, it's one of her hobbies. Coincidence? I think not. After finding the body, not only does Aisling become suspect numero uno with the police, she also gets pulled into the immortal underworld of Paris where she finds out she is a Guardian, a wyvern's mate, and (eventually) a demon lord. She has to deal with this news, try to clear her name, and try to keep her primal urges in check around the very sexy Drake Vireo.

First, just a quick lesson for anyone reading this that doesn't know the difference between Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy: there isn't really any. The only difference I've ever been able to decipher is that Paranormal Romance just has a slight more emphasis on the romantic element of the story...and slightly steamy-er love scenes. I have read many Urban Fantasies that have had love interests as the main plot point over anything else while some Paranormal Romances that have focused more on the outside plot than the actual romance. Weird, I know. But hey, I don't write the books, I just read them. Now, back to my review!
While the plot followed a generic path, I liked it all the same. I was able to lose myself in the story and keep on reading for hours. The fact that it was about dragons didn't even seem as cheesy as I thought it would be.
Aisling is a hilarious character. She's strong, but at the same time, not the brightest bulb you've ever met. Though, to be fair, if I was suddenly thrust into a world that I only thought existed in books and movies, I'd probably be a bit slow on the uptake as well. That being said, I still loved her to death. My favourite character interaction would have to be between Aisling and Jim, the demon in the form of a shaggy Newfoundland. (By the way, a Newfoundland is a dog, it's not referring to the province). Jim is so sarcastic and condescending to the poor girl, though he seems to be doing it out of genuine like for her. As their relationship evolves, we can tell that Aisling actually feels some love for her dog shaped demon, even though she doesn't show it and more often than not, threatens to have him neutered.
Katie MacAlister seems to have a great way with words. Her writing is very, laugh-out-loud funny. And from talking to the friend that recommended the novel to me, all of her novels are very witty. I definitely look forward to reading more of her novels.
"You Slay Me" is the first in a series, the "Aisling Grey, Guardian" novels. Based on the first one, I plan on reading the rest of the novel and hope that they are all as good as this one.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good laugh. And believe me, the dragon plot line is not as cheesy as it sounds. I was pleasantly surprised.

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